Distance and online education
The Distance & Online Education Working Group is focused on the academic adaptations and effects of engineering education in Ontario universities moving to a virtual platform. The 2020-2021 Working Group aims to listen engineering student voices to be listened in both the transition to online semesters, as well as the current online semesters. Our group will be leading two large surveys: a survey focusing on the winter/summer 2020 transition and for the fall 2020 semester. Other research and projects will be focusing on preparing for other quick transitionary periods, online IT support sheets and contributing to the advocacy blog. Stay tuned for more updates, and please contact onlineeducation@essco.ca, if you want to get involved in the Working Group and/or have any questions or comments!
Release Survey
Part 1!
Release Survey
Part 3!
May 2021
Present All Findings and Trends to EDO
Analyze Results
June 2021
December 2020
Present to Engineering Deans of Ontario, Release Survey Part 2
February 2021
November 2020
Analyze Results
January 2021
Analyze Results
April 2021
Working Group Started
August 2020
July 2020
Working Group Researchers Hired
Leah Davis, University of Guelph
Working Group Chair
What do you like about being a part of an ESSCO Working Group?
It is great being able to Chair a Working Group and have the excellent opportunity to meet engineering students who share the same leadership mentality and mindset.
What is a fun fact about you?
I really enjoy cooking!

Kelly Reid, University of Guelph
What do you like about being a part of an ESSCO Working Group?
I like working with a group of likeminded and passionate students who are trying to make a change
What is a fun fact about you?
I enjoy hiking, playing hockey and hanging out with my cat

Sameer Mohammed, University of Guelph
What do you like about being a part of an ESSCO Working Group?
I wanted to be a part of a group that could help students in this transition to Online Education.
What is a fun fact about you?
I would drop any amount of money to see Frank Ocean live if he decides to do a concert.

Logan Arnold, University of Guelph
What do you like about being a part of an ESSCO Working Group?
The opportunity to collaborate with Engineering students from other Universities!
What is a fun fact about you?
My favourite thing to drink is coffee!

Sydney Moses, Carleton University
What do you like about being a part of an ESSCO Working Group?
Being able to work with engineering students of different ages, backgrounds and experience levels.
What is a fun fact about you?
I like playing sports and being active! My favourite sports are hockey, rugby and ultimate frisbee!

Pesara Amarasekera, McMaster University
What do you like about being a part of an ESSCO Working Group?
I get to do work that would benefit both myself, my friends, and fellow engineering students
What is a fun fact about you?
I enjoy reading about many topics, I find myself curious about a lot of things.