ESSCOs Annual General Meeting is centered around promoting leadership from attendees as well as summing up the work of the current ESSCO teams term and electing those who will lead ESSCO in the next term. Attendees can expect to take part in elections, meet student leaders from across the province and find themselves inspired to continue seeking leadership opportunities in their member schools. This year AGM was hosted by Laurentian University. Check out what our delegates had to say about their experience at AGM!

"The conference was stimulating and enriching thanks to the different topics that were discussed, including career planning, leadership and conference planning. I now feel like I have the tools to plan my career properly without getting "lost" in the way. All of this, while taking into account my ambitions and my preferences. I also appreciated the fact that we were able to share our leadership experiences. I can't wait to be able to put everything I learned at this conference into practice!"
- Sarra Torjemane, University of Ottawa

"As a first-year student, I found AGM extremely valuable for teaching me what it means to be a leader as well as exposing me to necessary career planning skills as I prepare to enter the professional world."
- Anika Shenoy, University of Toronto

"The biggest take away I learnt at ESSCO [AGM] is that everyone qualifies as a leader, it’s only a matter of whether you decide to embrace it!"
- Dania Sherif, McMaster University
Overall the conference was an incredible success and has finished off this year's ESSCO term on a strong note.