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OEC 2021 Highlights


The Ontario Engineering Competition (OEC) is an annual event where engineers from various universities across Ontario compete. At OEC, students of all disciplines and years come together to compete in several categories to solve various engineering problems. This competition provides competitors with opportunities to grow their skills.

This year OEC was hosted by an inter-school team overseen by ESSCO rather than how it is usually run, which is hosted by a member school. Check out what some of the competitors had to say!

"OEC was a very insightful experience for me as it put me into an engineering environment that consisted of very talented competitors and company recruiters. I was very pleased to see the different methods people use in tackling real world problems and what recruiting companies look for in their candidates. I would definitely recommend OEC to my peers as it gave me, a first year, valuable experience in working in an engineering team and useful contacts through the networking system they have in place. It was so much fun and I look forward to attending this event next year :)"

- Collins Ehimen, Mechanical Engineering Student, Ontario Tech University

"Attending OEC 2021 for the Consulting was a truly memorable experience. My partner and I had the opportunity to tackle a real world problem and come up with a creative solution. The atmosphere, timeline and requirements challenged our capabilities and potential. We also had the opportunity to present our solution to judges who are from the consulting industry. This whole experiential gave my partner and me a real taste of engineering consulting"

- Jeffrey Lee, Aerospace Engineering Student, Ryerson University

Check out for more details!

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